Category: Wordpress Essentials

  • Top 8 Mistakes Your Making in WordPress

    Top 8 Mistakes You’re Making in WordPress

    Choosing WordPress as a CMS brings about an unmatched sense of freedom and approachability, allowing users to build and manage websites with unparalleled flexibility. With the platform’s versatility and massive plugin ecosystem, it’s no wonder why WordPress attracts millions of users and accounts for 43.4% of all websites. But that doesn’t mean it’s all smooth…

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  • Featured image - 5 Ways to Optimize Your WordPress Site for Mobile

    5 Ways to Optimize Your WordPress Site for Mobile

    Most people have optimized their site in one way or another, but have you ever done anything specifically for your mobile visitors? These days, more traffic comes from mobile than desktop, and that number is only going to grow. People are using their devices more and more, and they demand that you make it easy…

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  • Featured image - Finding the Best WordPress Hosting

    Finding the Best WordPress Hosting

    Best. It’s a word meant to rank similar things in a given category by established comparison points, providing an unbiased view on how they stack up. But what’s best for one person or company is not always the best choice for another – and to further complicate things, financial bias is often the primary motivator…

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  • Featured Image - Udemy - Free and Premium Online Courses for Learning WordPress

    Udemy: Free and Premium Online Courses for Learning WordPress

    Udemy offers on-demand online courses covering a wide range of topics from software development to speed reading. Once you ‘enroll’ and become a member you are then able to pick and choose from the published courses and start learning at your own convenience, with unrestricted repeat access to the content. There are even mobile apps…

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  • A Safe and Easy Way to Add Code to A WordPress Website’s Header or Footer

    There may be occasions when you need to customize your WordPress website, and the only option is to edit the underlying code of the theme you are using. The purpose of this customization might be to change the appearance of your website, or perhaps alter the way it functions. Generally speaking, keeping your theme files…

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  • Featured Image - Need WordPress Help - Check Out These Support Resources

    Need WordPress Help? Check Out These Support Resources

    From forums and chat rooms to blog posts and conferences, the amount of WordPress support available truly is infinite; but, with so many resources at our fingertips, how does one find the answer to a simple WordPress question? To sort through all the information, it’s important to know where you can go to ask for…

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  • Featured Image - How to Make Your Blog More Searchable

    How to Make Your Blog More Searchable

    If you are running a blog or website to promote your business or business services, the two most important factors for ensuring high visibility in search engines are website performance and social media exposure. Google made it clear in 2010 that website speed would become an important ranking metric for organic search results, and social…

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  • Blog Post - Reasons You Should Do a Regular WordPress Check-Up

    Reasons You Should Do a Regular WordPress Check-Up

    Introduction to WordPress Maintenance Admit it, you do treat your WordPress installation as a set-it-and-forget-it kind of thing, don’t you? Almost everybody does. Literally, the only two things we usually do with a WordPress site once it’s up and running is: (1) publish new content, (2) update the plugins and the WordPress core itself (here…

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  • Featured Image - How To Create a Sticky Post in WordPress

    How To Create a Sticky Post in WordPress

    By default, your newest articles are published at the top of your blog. With every new article published, your existing articles are pushed down a spot — and eventually, off the front page completely. It can be disheartening when your best article drops off the front page. There are two main problems with this: One…

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  • Featured Image - A Guide to Using WordPress Logs to Track Errors

    A Guide to Using WordPress Logs to Track Errors

    Use WordPress logs to fix problems that arise on your WordPress instance — or, more accurately, to figure out why they’ve occurred. This feature tracks errors and records them in one easy-to-locate file, so you can get started on the troubleshooting process. There are three basic steps to enable WordPress error logs: In this article,…

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